Fat Transfer

What Does It Mean to Undergo Fat Transfer?

Fat transfer combines two beneficial enhancement procedures in one. Fat is harvested from troublesome areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, and back. It is then purified and injected into another area to produce subtle, natural enhancement.

The Benefits of Fat Transfer

  • Eliminates unwanted fat deposits
  • Provides natural enhancement for the breasts, buttocks, or face
  • Achieves subtle results

Areas of the Body Benefitted by Fat Transfer


  • Fat is most commonly harvested from around the abdomen, but it may also be removed from the hips, thighs, and back
  • Gentle, fat-preserving liposuction techniques are used to harvest fat
  • Eliminating fat from the abdomen can help slim and tone its appearance


  • Fat is injected into the hollows of the face, including the cheeks and under eyes
  • Corrects age-related facial volume loss
  • Provides long-lasting volume when compared to synthetic facial fillers


  • Fat is grafted in even layers to enhance the size and reshape the buttocks
  • Provides a more natural appearing buttock profile than silicone implants
  • Achieves the size increase that patients desire without the extended recovery period

Fat Transfer FAQs

Q: What type of anesthesia is used during fat transfer?
A: Fat transfer can be performed using local anesthesia. However, depending on the extent of fat removal, epidural or general anesthesia may be used to ensure patient comfort.

Q: Will there be scars after my fat transfer?
A: Tiny incisions are made at the liposuction site and the injection site that may result in minimal scarring. Any scarring that does develop is likely to fade over time.

Q: How long will my recovery period last?
A: The length of your recovery will depend on which area(s) have been enhanced using fat transfer. Fat transfer to the face has the fastest healing time of two weeks. Fat grafting to the buttocks has the longest recovery period of several months. During your consultation, your surgeon can discuss more accurate recovery timelines based on your individual circumstances.

Q: Are the results of fat transfer long lasting?
A: There may be some initial volume loss after your fat transfer as the body absorbs some of the grafted fat. However, any fat that remains after six months will provide permanent enhancement.

Q: How significant of a breast size increase can I expect using fat transfer?
A: Fat transfer provides subtle enhancement of the breasts. Typically, most patients gain between a half cup and a full cup size increase.

Revision Policy

Patients who undergo elective surgery can have a revision procedure in the future. No matter which cosmetic procedure you opt for, your body and face will continue to age naturally. If you have excess weight on your body, you may still experience fat deposits that need to be taken care of with additional liposuction treatments. The same goes for wanting a bigger buttocks or hips, extra rounds of treatment may be necessary to achieve your desired result. Aging, sagging, scarring, and other changes are attributed mainly to genetics and your aftercare routine. Should you desire revision surgery one year after your initial procedure, necessary fees may be required for the hospital, surgical facility, lab work, and medical supplies or devices (i.e., breast or facial implants). These revision surgeries will be personalized per patient, and there will always be a discounted rate available for return patients. Only patients who follow the recommended postoperative protocol and attend all follow-up appointments will qualify for the revision policy and associated courtesies.